Thursday, December 19, 2013

Easy babies

So Kate is not an "easy baby." By that, I mean - she's not a great sleeper and tends more toward fussiness than happiness. I was looking forward to the magical 3 month mark, but...NOT. According to the Wonder Weeks, we are squarely in the middle of a leap which means struggles and fussiness and sleep regression. Very short night sleep stints the past two nights have left me feeling fogged and confused. So, going to try to establish an awake routine too, as Dan suggested. Perhaps knowing what to expect will help her. The extent of her first awake activity will need to work around breakfast time. Maybe it's just floor time while I cook. Then after an hour awake, try putting her to bed. 

I'm bleary. It's 9:18. She's barely nursing, sleeping on the boob. Going to try sleep attempt #3 but this time, I'm staying in here. Time for me to get flat too. Vaya con dios! Project confidence!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Oh hay!

Hay blog! I'm back. With another baby. Introducing Kate Daisy born on August 27, 2013. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

As if

You could actually do something everyday. Write here? Driving to work listening to songs with "excessive vamping" according to Pandora.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thinking about blogging

All the would be writers now have an outlet: blogs. So why don't I write one? Hmmm...

Sunday, October 2, 2011